Yes. Everything depends on how you draft your deed of gift. If nothing has been stipulated, as the gift is irrevocable, the law does not allow you to recover your property. On the other hand, if a "conventional return clause" has been provided for in the event of the predecease…
Yes, under certain conditions. It is possible to benefit from an exemption from capital gains tax when the property sold constitutes the seller's principal residence on the day of sale (art. 150 U CGI). For tax purposes, this residence can only be a residential property. Legally, a barge is a…
Yes, but under certain conditions. As long as the mandate has not taken effect, you can renounce your status as mandatary (art. 489 al. 2 C. civ. and 492 al. 3 C. civ.). You must notify your decision to your mother, the mandator, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt…
Yes. When a person dies without descendants, their surviving spouse is entitled to inherit their estate, either alone or in concurrence with the deceased's father and mother (according to articles 756 and 757-1 of the Civil Code). Civil law defines the 'successor' spouse as the surviving, undivorced spouse of the…
Yes, in principle. When spouses adopt the regime of universal community, all movable and immovable property owned by them on the day of adoption of this regime, and all that they acquire subsequently, are held in common (art. 1526 C. civ.), with the exception of property that is private by…
Yes, in principle, if only some of the undivided co-owners wish to enter into a lease on an undivided property, they must hold at least two-thirds of the undivided rights in order to do so. However, this rule does not apply to leases on agricultural real estate (art. 815-3, 4°…
No. When a condominium is held by undivided co-owners, the indivision as a whole is represented by a joint agent chosen by the undivided co-owners. In the case of a disagreement, the representative is appointed by the president of the court to which the matter has been referred either by…
Yes, but only under certain conditions. When a specific event, of a professional or family nature, justifies your taking over the rented premises, you can enter into a lease for a period of less than 3 years but at least 1 year (art. 11, al. 1 law n°89-462 of July…
My father passed away 2 years ago. I hadn't had any contact with him for several years, but I did accept his estate. I've just been contacted by a credit company asking me to repay the loan my father took out for 150,000 euros. Is it still possible to renounce…