Yes. Unless otherwise provided in your lease, Article 1400 paragraph 2 of the General Tax Code states that the property tax notice is issued in the name of the lessee.
For reference: unless a different arrangement is specified, articles 605 and 606 of the Civil Code outline how responsibilities for repairs are divided between the bare owner and the usufructuary. Major repairs, such as those to the structural walls or entire roofs, fall to the bare owner, while the usufructuary…
No. When the mandate is established in authentic form, the law requires the agent to render his accounts and all "useful supporting documents" to the drafting notary of said mandate (article 491 of the Civil Code).
Yes. When the division (existence of a usufruct and bare ownership) results from a death and the exercise by the surviving spouse of their legal rights, Article 968 paragraph 2, 1° of the General Tax Code specifies that the value of the bare ownership must be included in the calculation…
In such a case, you should approach the territorially competent land registration service. By completing certain formalities (filling out CERFA forms n° 3233SD and n° 3236 SD), you can obtain a copy of your property deed (which will include the name of the notary who drafted the act).
No. Article 780 of the Civil Code provides that you have 10 years from his death to manifest your intention to inherit, unless you had "legitimate reasons for being unaware of the birth of [your] right, mainly the opening of the succession [the death]”.
... from her bank accounts? No. The future protection mandate ceases to apply upon the death of the person to be protected (article 483 2° of the Civil Code). You should consult a notary to establish a certificate of heirship that will allow you to recover your mother's liquid assets…
No. The rental of a parking space does not fall under the provisions of Article 15 of the July 6, 1989, law on residential leases. You must therefore respect the three-month period provided in your lease unless it includes a clause for reducing notice in the event of a job…
No. According to Article 1601-3 of the Civil Code, the land ownership is transferred to the buyer the moment the future state completion sales contract is signed. Therefore, the property is considered your personal asset. However, any payments for future constructions paid after your marriage are assumed to be communal…