Successions internationales

News in the spotlight

The electronic authentic power of attorney for remote appearance presented to all European notariats

16 December 2020

This Thursday, December 10, 2020, the Council of the Notariats of the European Union (CNUE) held a virtual conference bringing together more than two

  • Local authorities
  • Donation
  • Business
  • Family
  • Real estate
  • Succession

A question ? Need help ?

Is it legal to make a will one month before passing away?

My spouse passed away, and we did not have a joint will. Since he had children from a previous marriage, I receive 1/4 of his estate. Can I accept only part of his inheritance?

My mother is a widow, and I am her only child. She received the ASPA (non-contributory provident benefit). Will I have to repay this assistance when she passes away?

The father of my child, a minor, has passed away. He was a big spender and I know that he had applied for an over indebtedness procedure. I would like to renounce the estate in my child's name. What is the procedure?

My grandfather plans to give me one of his plots of land that I farm. He wants to include a right of return for my sister so that the land does not revert to my wife on my death.

A few years ago, my mother signed a mandate for future protection and appointed me as her proxy. Today, she seems to be losing her memory and isn't always aware of what she's doing. How do I go about implementing this measure?

Following their divorce, my father paid his ex-wife a compensatory allowance, in the form of an annuity. He has passed away. I learned that she was going to receive a survivor's pension. Are these two services cumulative?

My son passed away. He was married and had a daughter. My daughter-in-law opted for the usufruct of the entire estate of her late husband, which only includes money. The notary told my granddaughter that she would not receive the money ...

I have drawn up my will and filed it with the notary. I forgot to number the sheets and indicate the contact details of the notary. Is it still valid?

My brother has passed away. He was single and didn’t have children. My sister and I have conducted an inventory of his estate for the purposes of the tax inheritance declaration. I live abroad and was able to be represented. (...)

Our father passed away. He had remarried and we are 3 children from the first marriage. Our mother-in-law refuses to disclose the information she has on our father's bank accounts. Can the notary in charge of the succession identify them?

I plan to have a mandate for future protection drawn up by my notary. Is it true that this warrant cannot be challenged once activated?

My ex-husband passed away. He was very spendthrift. As the legal representative of our minor child, I am considering making an acceptance up to the net assets on his behalf. Is the authorization of the guardianship judge obligatory?

My partner to whom I was not married has passed away. He had entered into a mandate for future protection and appointed our daughter as mandatary. This convention has never been implemented. Can my daughter invoke it to settle the estate on her own?

A few years ago, my mother signed a mandate for future protection and appointed me as her proxy. Today, she seems to be losing her memory and isn't always aware of what she's doing. How do I go about implementing this measure?

My mother, a French citizen, passed away in Germany, where she had been living for several years. Which law applies to her estate?

My partner appointed me as the sole legatee of his property upon his death. Can his brothers and sisters still take over the property he received from their parents, by inheritance?

My father has died, leaving three children and we find ourselves in undivided ownership of his house, which constituted. My eldest brother and I want to sell it. What should we do if our younger brother doesn't agree?

Following the death of our parents, my brothers and I became joint owners of a property located in a condominium. The general meeting of co-owners is due to be held soon. Can each of us take part in the vote, given that we don't get along?

I am the universal legatee of a deceased person with whom I had no family relationship. If I accept this bequest, will I be able to benefit from an allowance?

My partner to whom I was not married has passed away. He had entered into a mandate for future protection and appointed our daughter as mandatary. This convention has never been implemented. Can my daughter invoke it to settle the estate on her own?

We applied for guardianship of my father. Is it up to us to pay the guardian?

My aunt passed away. I am the only heir. I found out that she had a lot of debt and I want to renounce her estate. I am a foreign resident. Do I have to return to France to proceed with the waiver?

We are two brothers and one sister co-owning an agricultural land. My sister and I want to lease it, but my brother opposes. Is the agreement of all co-owners required ?

My father has just passed away. He had drawn up his own will and then entrusted it to his notary. For the settlement of the succession, is the depositary notary obliged to record the opening of the will on death and if so, within what time frame?

My husband and I have been living apart for several years and no longer have any contact. I found out that he's started a new life. Is it possible to deprive him of all the rights to my estate?

Is it legal to make a will one month before passing away?

I just found out that my father passed away 12 years ago. We no longer had any contact due to a family disagreement. Can I claim my share in the estate after so many years?

Both my grandparents died in a house fire. They were married without a contract. How will their estates be settled?

I signed a revelation contract suggested by a genealogist at home yesterday. Upon reflection, I realize the payout percentage is too high. Can I retract and cancel everything ?

I plan to have a mandate for future protection drawn up by my notary. Is it true that this warrant cannot be challenged once activated?

Following the death of our parents, my brothers and I became joint owners of a property located in a condominium. The general meeting of co-owners is due to be held soon. Can each of us take part in the vote, given that we don't get along?

My mother passed away three years ago. My aunt has also just passed away. In her will, she designated my mother as the executor. Will I need to replace her?

My wife has just passed away. We owned our primary residence. As part of the inheritance tax declaration, am I obliged to apply the 20% deduction on the principal residence of the deceased? ?

My cousin passed away. She was married but separated from her spouse. She had no children, no siblings and her parents passed away as well. In her will, she bequeathed all of her real estate to me. My notary tells me that if I give up (...)

Following the death of my mother, I inherited her apartment. I wish to sell it. What is the acquisition value to be used in order to determine the amount of the real estate capital gain?

My mother is a widow, and I am her only child. She received the ASPA (non-contributory provident benefit). Will I have to repay this assistance when she passes away?

My best friend passed away recently. He was single, childless and under guardianship. Supervision was exercised by a legal representative for the protection of individuals. Can the guardian seize a notary to take care of his estate?

Following the death of our father, my sister and I inherited some farmland over which the SAFER has a right of pre-emption. I want to sell my undivided shares to my sister.

I became the usufructuary of my spouse's property upon his/her death. Do I have to declare the value of freehold assets to calculate the IFI?

When my father died, my mother-in-law received the usufruct of the entire estate, which consisted mainly of liquid assets. Today, she has just died, and the liquid assets have disappeared. What can I do to recover these sums?

My husband and I have been living apart for several years and no longer have any contact. I found out that he's started a new life. Is it possible to deprive him of all the rights to my estate?

One of the co-heirs has accepted the succession but has not responded to reminders from the notary for several months. Can we still share?

How can I find out if I am the beneficiary of a life insurance policy?

My husband was retired. He passed away and left a huge debt. I plan to renounce his succession. Am I still entitled to the survivor's pension?

I drew up a holograph will a long time ago and now I don't know what I've done with it. I've recently drawn up a new one. Does it automatically cancel the previous will?

My husband was retired. He passed away and left a huge debt. I plan to renounce his succession. Am I still entitled to the survivor's pension?

My spouse, with whom I had been living separately for several years, has just passed away. He had no children, and I have learned that he left all his assets to the Red Cross. Is this legal ?

Following the death of our parents, we signed an act of sharing with my sisters. Two days later, one of them came to the family home to claim a property that had been assigned to me. Does she have the right to do so?

My brother has passed away. He was single and didn’t have children. My sister and I have conducted an inventory of his estate for the purposes of the tax inheritance declaration. I live abroad and was able to be represented. (...)

My father is under a notarized future protection mandate. I am the agent. He intended to make a donation but could not do so before this measure was implemented. Is it still possible ?

My partner appointed me as the sole legatee of his property upon his death. Can his brothers and sisters still take over the property he received from their parents, by inheritance?

I have just learned that my father is very indebted. To protect myself, can I already renounce his inheritance before his death?

My father has just passed away. I am currently involved in a dispute with my brother who believes that I have been advantaged because our father financed my higher education. Are these amounts reportable to the estate?

I was the bare owner of a house, the usufructuary has just passed away. Does my notary have to take steps with the land registration service?

My brother and I shall inherit from our father who has just passed away. As the guardian of my weaker adult brother, am I required to go to the judge to accept the inheritance on his behalf?

My mother has passed away. We found a video in which she stated that she is leaving all her belongings to my brother's children. Is this will valid ?

My father passed away 3 months ago. My mother opted for the usufruct. My brothers and I are liable for inheritance tax. I'd like to ask the tax department to defer payment until the day the usufruct ends. Should my brothers also request this ?

When my father died, my mother-in-law received the usufruct of the entire estate, which consisted mainly of liquid assets. Today, she has just died, and the liquid assets have disappeared. What can I do to recover these sums?

My aunt passed away. I am the only heir. I found out that she had a lot of debt and I want to renounce her estate. I am a foreign resident. Do I have to return to France to proceed with the waiver?

My spouse has passed away. He owned the apartment where we were living at the time of his death, which he bought before our marriage. I have a ¼ share of his estate. I want to become the owner, but his children do not agree. Can they prevent it?

My father just passed away and we are three of his children. He had drawn up a will that benefited me to the detriment of my brothers and sisters. The latter are contesting his will. Can they do so?

I became the usufructuary of my spouse's property upon his/her death. Do I have to declare the value of freehold assets to calculate the IFI?

My father passed away 4 months ago, leaving debts. Being the heir, I gave up on this succession. He was a tenant of his accommodation, and his landlord asked me to empty it. Am I required to do so?

My father has just passed away. I am currently involved in a dispute with my brother who believes that I have been advantaged because our father financed my higher education. Are these amounts reportable to the estate?

I want to give bare ownership of assets to my minor grandchildren and keep the usufruct. If I die before they reach majority, I do not want these assets to be managed by their parents. Is this possible ?

My mother passed away and apparently had debts, including unpaid wages to her housekeeper. I am hesitant to accept the inheritance. Does settling the unpaid wages expose me to accepting the inheritance ?

My husband has passed away. As part of his support obligation, he paid his parents a sum every month to help them pay for their retirement home (EPHAD). Will I have to continue paying it?

We have just inherited a house through joint possession with my brothers and sisters. Is it true that we have five years to share?

Both my grandparents died in a house fire. They were married without a contract. How will their estates be settled?

My father has died, leaving three children and we find ourselves in undivided ownership of his house, which constituted. My eldest brother and I want to sell it. What should we do if our younger brother doesn't agree?

I would like to draw up a notarial will to make one of my daughters a universal legatee. My notary is asking me to appoint two witnesses. Can I choose my daughter's PACS partner?

My grandfather plans to give me one of his plots of land that I farm. He wants to include a right of return for my sister so that the land does not revert to my wife on my death.

My ex-husband passed away. He was very spendthrift. As the legal representative of our minor child, I am considering making an acceptance up to the net assets on his behalf. Is the authorization of the guardianship judge obligatory?

My nephews renounced their father's estate 10 years ago. Their grandfather passed away last year. His house has just been sold. Can they perceive the share that should have gone to their father?

My wife has just passed away. We owned our primary residence. As part of the inheritance tax declaration, am I obliged to apply the 20% deduction on the principal residence of the deceased? ?

My father owned and operated a farm. My brother participated in this activity without being paid but received the profits from the exploitation. Can he claim a deferred salary as part of our father's estate?

My spouse has passed away. He owned the apartment where we were living at the time of his death, which he bought before our marriage. I have a ¼ share of his estate. I want to become the owner, but his children do not agree. Can they prevent it?

Containment: How can you draw out an emergency will?

I am considering filing an inheritance declaration and paying the associated inheritance taxes. Does this filing imply tacit acceptance of the inheritance ?

I found out that all the heirs of my tenant who died 6 months ago have decided to renounce his estate. The apartment is still furnished with furniture from my former tenant. Can I get rid of it?

I am considering filing an inheritance declaration and paying the associated inheritance taxes. Does this filing imply tacit acceptance of the inheritance ?

When settling an estate, I understand that the notary does not have to certify ownership of a property if it is sold within 10 months of the death. Is this true?

My husband passed away 1 year ago. Our main residence belonged jointly to my husband and his brother. Can I take advantage of the lifetime right of article 764 of the Civil Code as a surviving spouse?

My widowed mother passed away 15 years ago, and my brother and I never went to a notary to settle her estate. We want to sell her house, but a friend told me that we no longer have the authority to do so. Is this true?

I would like to draw up a notarial will to make one of my daughters a universal legatee. My notary is asking me to appoint two witnesses. Can I choose my daughter's PACS partner?

My widowed mother passed away 15 years ago, and my brother and I never went to a notary to settle her estate. We want to sell her house, but a friend told me that we no longer have the authority to do so. Is this true?

My spouse passed away. I am the beneficiary of a spousal donation which states that if I choose to be the usufructuary, I am exempt from making an inventory and an appraisal of the property. However, my stepchildren are demanding these...

I found out that all the heirs of my tenant who died 6 months ago have decided to renounce his estate. The apartment is still furnished with furniture from my former tenant. Can I get rid of it?

Following the death of my mother, I inherited her apartment. I wish to sell it. What is the acquisition value to be used in order to determine the amount of the real estate capital gain?

I have drafted my will, can I keep it at home?

Following the death of our father, my sister and I inherited some farmland over which the SAFER has a right of pre-emption. I want to sell my undivided shares to my sister.

Following my mother's death, the notary is requesting my parents' family record book to settle the estate. Unable to provide it, the notary is considering calling in a genealogist. Is this the usual procedure?

I just found out that my father passed away 12 years ago. We no longer had any contact due to a family disagreement. Can I claim my share in the estate after so many years?

I am the universal legatee of a deceased person with whom I had no family relationship. If I accept this bequest, will I be able to benefit from an allowance?

I would like to have a will drawn up in order to bequeath my property to my godson. My notary is asking me to come to the meeting with 2 witnesses. Can my godson's wife be one of them?

When settling an estate, I understand that the notary does not have to certify ownership of a property if it is sold within 10 months of the death. Is this true?

My mother always lived in Martinique, but she came to the mainland for medical treatment, where she unfortunately passed away. Is it true that I have one year to file the inheritance declaration with the tax authorities ?

My aunt passed away. She wasn't married and had no children. She had planned to leave her house to me. The notary with whom she had deposited her will, told me that she had taken it back. How do I know that they’re telling the truth?

My parents having had 4 children, they obtained social housing with 5 rooms about thirty years ago. After the death of my father, my mother stayed in this apartment, and I came to live with her a year and a half ago. She passed away and I want to (...)

My spouse passed away, and we did not have a joint will. Since he had children from a previous marriage, I receive 1/4 of his estate. Can I accept only part of his inheritance?

My grandfather has just passed away. He has left my aunt, my brother and me as heirs. In his will, he indicated that the available portion would go to his daughter. The notary tells me that my aunt is entitled to 2/3 of the inheritance. Is this true?

We have just inherited a house through joint possession with my brothers and sisters. Is it true that we have five years to share?

My mother had a future protection mandate drafted by her notary and appointed me as the agent. Unfortunately, she passed away before the mandate was activated. I am her sole heir. Can I use this mandate to retrieve funds (15,000 euros) ...

After their retirement, my parents moved to Portugal, where they bought a house. My father has passed away, and we need to appraise this residence for the inheritance declaration. How should we proceed ?

My mother has passed away. We found a video in which she stated that she is leaving all her belongings to my brother's children. Is this will valid ?

My father has passed away. He was the sole owner of a house where he lived with his wife. In his holographic will, he deprived her of her legal rights to the estate and gave her the usufruct of his movable property. Can she continue to live in the house?

Who owns the furniture in a usufructuary apartment?

My aunt passed away. She wasn't married and had no children. She had planned to leave her house to me. The notary with whom she had deposited her will, told me that she had taken it back. How do I know that they’re telling the truth?

My mother passed away three years ago. My aunt has also just passed away. In her will, she designated my mother as the executor. Will I need to replace her?

I was the bare owner of a house, the usufructuary has just passed away. Does my notary have to take steps with the land registration service?

We applied for guardianship of my father. Is it up to us to pay the guardian?

My husband passed away. He was a state employee. Is the death capital paid by his employer subject to an inheritance tax ?

I wish to grant a loan of €60,000 to one of my children Am I obliged to call on my notary to draw up the loan contract?

Under a future protection mandate established by the notary of my father (who has since been diagnosed with Alzheimer's), I have become his agent. Is it possible for me to account for my management to my own notary?

Containment: How can you draw out an emergency will?

My grandfather has just passed away. He has left my aunt, my brother and me as heirs. In his will, he indicated that the available portion would go to his daughter. The notary tells me that my aunt is entitled to 2/3 of the inheritance. Is this true?

I own a house inherited from my parents. Upon my death, I wish to bequeath it to one of my daughters, then have it passed on to my grandson upon her death, with the condition that he transfers it to his future child. Is this possible ?

My brother and I shall inherit from our father who has just passed away. As the guardian of my weaker adult brother, am I required to go to the judge to accept the inheritance on his behalf?

My spouse passed away. I am the beneficiary of a spousal donation which states that if I choose to be the usufructuary, I am exempt from making an inventory and an appraisal of the property. However, my stepchildren are demanding these...

The father of my child, a minor, has passed away. He was a big spender and I know that he had applied for an over indebtedness procedure. I would like to renounce the estate in my child's name. What is the procedure?

My father has just passed away. He had drawn up his own will and then entrusted it to his notary. For the settlement of the succession, is the depositary notary obliged to record the opening of the will on death and if so, within what time frame?

I wish to grant a loan of €60,000 to one of my children Am I obliged to call on my notary to draw up the loan contract?

Who owns the furniture in a usufructuary apartment?

I would like to have a will drawn up in order to bequeath my property to my godson. My notary is asking me to come to the meeting with 2 witnesses. Can my godson's wife be one of them?

I have drawn up my will and filed it with the notary. I forgot to number the sheets and indicate the contact details of the notary. Is it still valid?

My husband passed away 1 year ago. Our main residence belonged jointly to my husband and his brother. Can I take advantage of the lifetime right of article 764 of the Civil Code as a surviving spouse?

My father is under a notarized future protection mandate. I am the agent. He intended to make a donation but could not do so before this measure was implemented. Is it still possible ?

We are a family of 4 siblings. The eldest is single without children and wishes to bequeath all her property to her nephews and nieces. Does she have the right to do so?

My father owned and operated a farm. My brother participated in this activity without being paid but received the profits from the exploitation. Can he claim a deferred salary as part of our father's estate?

My mother always lived in Martinique, but she came to the mainland for medical treatment, where she unfortunately passed away. Is it true that I have one year to file the inheritance declaration with the tax authorities ?

Following the death of my ex-husband, a civil servant, I benefit from a survivor's pension. I'm in a relationship again, but we don't live together. Will I lose the benefit of this right?

My mother passed away and apparently had debts, including unpaid wages to her housekeeper. I am hesitant to accept the inheritance. Does settling the unpaid wages expose me to accepting the inheritance ?

My father passed away 3 months ago. My mother opted for the usufruct. My brothers and I are liable for inheritance tax. I'd like to ask the tax department to defer payment until the day the usufruct ends. Should my brothers also request this ?

Following their divorce, my father paid his ex-wife a compensatory allowance, in the form of an annuity. He has passed away. I learned that she was going to receive a survivor's pension. Are these two services cumulative?

How can I find out if I am the beneficiary of a life insurance policy?

Following my mother's death, the notary is requesting my parents' family record book to settle the estate. Unable to provide it, the notary is considering calling in a genealogist. Is this the usual procedure?

My father has passed away. He was the sole owner of a house where he lived with his wife. In his holographic will, he deprived her of her legal rights to the estate and gave her the usufruct of his movable property. Can she continue to live in the house?

My father passed away 4 months ago, leaving debts. Being the heir, I gave up on this succession. He was a tenant of his accommodation, and his landlord asked me to empty it. Am I required to do so?

My husband has passed away. As part of his support obligation, he paid his parents a sum every month to help them pay for their retirement home (EPHAD). Will I have to continue paying it?

I signed a revelation contract suggested by a genealogist at home yesterday. Upon reflection, I realize the payout percentage is too high. Can I retract and cancel everything ?

Our father (debirentier) predeceased the sellers (crédirentiers) of the property he bought as a life annuity. As the deceased's heir, do I have to continue paying the annuities until the sellers die?

My father has just passed away. He had very little wealth. Am I required to have an act of notoriety to unlock my bank assets?

Under a future protection mandate established by the notary of my father (who has since been diagnosed with Alzheimer's), I have become his agent. Is it possible for me to account for my management to my own notary?

Following the death of my ex-husband, a civil servant, I benefit from a survivor's pension. I'm in a relationship again, but we don't live together. Will I lose the benefit of this right?

I have drafted my will, can I keep it at home?

One of the co-heirs has accepted the succession but has not responded to reminders from the notary for several months. Can we still share?

My nephews renounced their father's estate 10 years ago. Their grandfather passed away last year. His house has just been sold. Can they perceive the share that should have gone to their father?

Following the death of my father, I became the bare owner of a property and my mother the usufructuary. Should I declare the value of this bare ownership for my real estate wealth tax?

I want to give bare ownership of assets to my minor grandchildren and keep the usufruct. If I die before they reach majority, I do not want these assets to be managed by their parents. Is this possible ?

I am single with no children. I am considering appointing an animal protection association as the universal legatee of my estate. If it declines the bequest, can it choose who shall receive it instead ?

Following the death of my father, I became the bare owner of a property and my mother the usufructuary. Should I declare the value of this bare ownership for my real estate wealth tax?

My father has just passed away. He had very little wealth. Am I required to have an act of notoriety to unlock my bank assets?

Our father (debirentier) predeceased the sellers (crédirentiers) of the property he bought as a life annuity. As the deceased's heir, do I have to continue paying the annuities until the sellers die?

My father just passed away and we are three of his children. He had drawn up a will that benefited me to the detriment of my brothers and sisters. The latter are contesting his will. Can they do so?

My aunt is going to lend me some money. We have planned for me to repay it in monthly installments over a period of 5 years. A loan deed will be regularized by a notary. If she dies before this term (...)

My spouse, with whom I had been living separately for several years, has just passed away. He had no children, and I have learned that he left all his assets to the Red Cross. Is this legal ?

We are a family of 4 siblings. The eldest is single without children and wishes to bequeath all her property to her nephews and nieces. Does she have the right to do so?

I drew up a holograph will a long time ago and now I don't know what I've done with it. I've recently drawn up a new one. Does it automatically cancel the previous will?

My aunt is going to lend me some money. We have planned for me to repay it in monthly installments over a period of 5 years. A loan deed will be regularized by a notary. If she dies before this term (...)

Following the death of our parents, we signed an act of sharing with my sisters. Two days later, one of them came to the family home to claim a property that had been assigned to me. Does she have the right to do so?

My best friend passed away recently. He was single, childless and under guardianship. Supervision was exercised by a legal representative for the protection of individuals. Can the guardian seize a notary to take care of his estate?

I own a house inherited from my parents. Upon my death, I wish to bequeath it to one of my daughters, then have it passed on to my grandson upon her death, with the condition that he transfers it to his future child. Is this possible ?

I am single with no children. I am considering appointing an animal protection association as the universal legatee of my estate. If it declines the bequest, can it choose who shall receive it instead ?

My parents having had 4 children, they obtained social housing with 5 rooms about thirty years ago. After the death of my father, my mother stayed in this apartment, and I came to live with her a year and a half ago. She passed away and I want to (...)

We are two brothers and one sister co-owning an agricultural land. My sister and I want to lease it, but my brother opposes. Is the agreement of all co-owners required ?

My husband passed away. He was a state employee. Is the death capital paid by his employer subject to an inheritance tax ?

My mother, a French citizen, passed away in Germany, where she had been living for several years. Which law applies to her estate?

Our father passed away. He had remarried and we are 3 children from the first marriage. Our mother-in-law refuses to disclose the information she has on our father's bank accounts. Can the notary in charge of the succession identify them?

After their retirement, my parents moved to Portugal, where they bought a house. My father has passed away, and we need to appraise this residence for the inheritance declaration. How should we proceed ?

I have just learned that my father is very indebted. To protect myself, can I already renounce his inheritance before his death?

My cousin passed away. She was married but separated from her spouse. She had no children, no siblings and her parents passed away as well. In her will, she bequeathed all of her real estate to me. My notary tells me that if I give up (...)

My mother had a future protection mandate drafted by her notary and appointed me as the agent. Unfortunately, she passed away before the mandate was activated. I am her sole heir. Can I use this mandate to retrieve funds (15,000 euros) ...

My son passed away. He was married and had a daughter. My daughter-in-law opted for the usufruct of the entire estate of her late husband, which only includes money. The notary told my granddaughter that she would not receive the money ...

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