do her children have the right to demand that I pay them the outstanding amount in one go? No . On the death of a person, the rights, and shares that he held during his lifetime are automatically transmitted to his heirs (art. 724 C. civ.). The Court of Cassation…
Yes . When a person benefits from a guardianship, only his guardian can request the annulment of the act for insanity of mind (art. 414-2 C. civ. and 475 al. 1 C. civ.) for the protected person's account. This action can also be brought by his heirs but only in…
No . Since 2019 it is no longer mandatory to wait two years before being able to change the matrimonial regime. Note : this change must always be carried out in the interest of the family (art. 1397 C. civ.).
My husband owned an apartment that he rented out. Since his death I have benefited from the usufruct of this property and my son has the bare ownership. The tenant has informed me that my son has given the latter leave to take over for the benefit of his wife's…
The capital gain carried out on the sale of a property is equal to the difference between the sale price and the acquisition price. When the property was received following a death, the acquisition price corresponds to the value retained in the declaration of succession (art. 150 VB, I, CGI).
Yes . When a person is no longer able to express their will due to a medically confirmed alteration of their mental faculties, it is possible to request a family authorization from the guardianship judge. The authorization may be general or relate only to certain acts in regard to the…
...on the capital gain which was carried out during the first transfer of a dwelling other than the main residence? Yes . When a person sells real estate which is not their main residence, it is possible to request exemption from the capital gain that has been realized, subject to…
... her property will revert to her spouse. Is it correct? Yes . Renunciation of a bequest has the effect of rendering the testamentary disposition null and void (art. 1043 C. civ.). The devolution of inheritance then takes place as if this provision had never existed. Since your cousin has…
...of the rent is exceptionally capped due to the economic context? Yes, but under certain conditions. Indeed, to cope with inflation and help SMEs, the law of 16 August 2022 on purchasing power includes various emergency measures, in particular the capping of the annual variation of the commercial rent index…
...take over her lease. Is it possible? It depends . Indeed, on the death of the tenant, the rental contract can be transferred to the descendants who lived with him for at least one year on the date of death (art. 14 law n ° 89-462 of July 6, 1989)…