
Updated on Tuesday 21 May 2024

Lawyer : job description

The lawyer works directly with the notary in all important stages of life of individuals or professionals.

Lawyer's missions

It is a legal technician who collects the necessary administrative documents, participates in the preparation of deeds, and accompanies the notaire or lawyer confirmed case tracking.

He is in contact with customers for files entrusted to him.

The profession offers opportunities for professional development through further training which, added to the experience, access to a legal officer confirmed.

Educate yourself about lawyer profession

The holder of a Bachelor's degree (general, technological or vocational) or Baccalaureate level (file selection) will be formed by way of school two years of preparation at the Institut national des formations notariales (INFN) or in a public or private high school in contract, including an unpaid internship of 3 months in a notaire office.
This training leads to examinations organized by the education authority. Courses follow the school calendar.

He can then sit the examination of higher technician certificate notary (BTS Notariat) issued by the Ministry of Education.

The holder of a BTS Notariat (or bac + 2 in a training area compatible with that of the professional license "métiers du notariat") will follow a university training of one year in law schools authorized for that purpose which includes a mentored internship at a notaire office.
This degree is then used to access the preparation of the diploma of the Institut des métiers du notariat.

To exercise, the future lawyer must obtain a professional license "métiers du notariat" issued by the University.

Two possible ways to form

Choose the Institut national des formations notariales

The Institut national des formations notariales (INFN) was born from the desire to create a great school of notaries by merging the Institutes of notarial professions that trained the collaborators of notaries and the Professional Training Centers of notaries that trained notaries.

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