Yes. The law provides that the notary depositary of the holographic will, draws up a report "on the spot" of the opening and status of the will, specifying the circumstances of its deposit. The original of the will is appended to the minutes. These documents are then maintained in the…
No. If the measure of guardianship is entrusted to a member of the family, it is then exercised free of charge. Sometimes, the guardianship judge or the family council, realizing the importance of the property which needs to be managed or the difficulty of exercising the measure, may award compensation…
No. The future protection mandate allows you to designate in advance one or more people to represent you, in the event that you or you are no longer able to provide for your interests alone. However, the law provides for cases of termination of the mandate (article 483 of the…
Meet the notaries of France at the International Agricultural Show
23 February 2023
Meet the notaries of France at the International Agricultural Show
I put my property up for sale 2 years ago. The notary had sent a declaration of intent to alienate the municipality, which had then waived its right of pre-emption. The sale ultimately did not go through. I found a new buyer. Is it necessary to re-declare to the municipality…
Yes . If the inalienability clause has the effect of prohibiting you from selling or giving away the property you have received, it is always possible for your creditors to take out a mortgage registration on the property given (Civ. 1e, Oct. 9, 1985, n°84-13.306 concerning a judicial mortgage and…
... Will the amount collected fall under the community? No. If the community consists of all the property acquired during the marriage by the couple, the indemnities which are exclusively attached to the person of the husband or wife following an action for compensation for bodily injury or moral, constitute…
No, but it is preferable. In accordance with article 1359 of the civil code, a writing is required when the sum lent is greater than 1500 €. The use of a notary is recommended to avoid any dispute, especially between your heirs. Indeed, you are assured that the deed will…