No. To be able to benefit from the lifetime right provided for by article 764 of the Civil Code, the accommodation must belong to the spouses or depend totally on the estate. However, if the accommodation was held by the deceased in joint ownership with a third party, the spouse…
Yes . The real estate capital gain corresponds to the difference between the resale price of the property and its acquisition price. To reduce this amount, it is possible to increase the acquisition price of a certain number of costs and expenses, which have been exhaustively listed in the General…
It depends. In accordance with article 8, para. 1 of Law No. 65-557 of July 10, 1965, the co-ownership regulations determine the destination of the private and common sections, as well as the conditions of their enjoyment. Each co-owner can freely enjoy his private partitions, subject to not infringing the…
Yes . When the spouses are married under the regime of the legal community, three patrimonies are to be distinguished: the patrimony specific to each spouse and the common patrimony. During couple life, financial movements often take place between the different assets. The mechanism of rewards is intended to restore…
It depends. On the tenant’s death, the lease can be transferred to certain individuals expressly covered by the law (art. 14 law n°89-462 of July 6, 1989). Thus, if your tenant’s brother was dependent on the latter and lived with him for at least one year on the date of…
Yes but… . You cannot decide yourself to block the payment of rents. If no amicable solution has been found with your lessor, the consignment of rents (excluding charges) may be requested before the court, pending the settlement of the dispute. Once obtained, you must complete a file with the…
Pursuant to Article L.412-6 of the Code of Civil Enforcement Procedures (CPCE), the winter truce which suspends any execution of an eviction extends from November 1 to March 31 of the following year in Metropolitan France. But in Guyana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Reunion Islands and Mayotte, the period of suspension of…
Yes. In the event of the death of an adult who is the subject of a protective measure exercised by a legal representative for the protection of adults, the latter may, in the absence of known heirs, seize the notary of the deceased through a view of settling the estate…
No. By renouncing the succession of your father, you lose the title of heir in his succession. Consequently, you are not bound by any debt obligation, but in return, you lose all rights to his property. As the lease is automatically terminated following the death of your father, since no…
... of the garden? Non. Les juges autorisent l’acquisition par un copropriétaire d’une partie commune par l'effet de sa possession lorsque toutes les conditions sont réunies, notamment le fait de se comporter comme le propriétaire du bien depuis au moins 30 ans ( Cass. Civ.3e, 11 juill. 2019, n°18-17-771). En…