Following the death of our father, my sister and I inherited some farmland over which the SAFER has a right of pre-emption. I want to sell my undivided shares to my sister.

[...] Will SAFER's right of pre-emption prevent her from acquiring my shares?


No, the SAFER's right of pre-emption does not apply in this case, in application of the provisions of article L143-4 3° of the Code rural et de la pêche maritime, which stipulates that:

"The following may not be subject to a right of pre-emption: (...)

3° Acquisitions made by co-heirs on amicable or judicial licitation and transfers granted to relatives or allies up to and including the fourth degree, or to co-heirs or their surviving spouses, as well as deeds concluded between undivided co-owners in application of articles 815-14, 815-15 and 883 of the Civil Code".


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