Yes. By renouncing the succession of your spouse, you lose the status of heir (article 805 of the Civil Code). On the other hand, you retain the status of spouse. However, the survivor's pension is a right reserved for the spouse or ex-spouse in the event of the death of…
No. While the Civil Code provides that partition may be requested at any given time, it does not impose a maximum duration. The co-owners can even decide to conclude an agreement of joint ownership between them relating to the management of the joint goods. Its duration is limited to 5…
It depends on where your property is located. The diagnosis is legally mandatory for non-collective sanitation facilities (art. L.1311-11-1 Public Health Code). However, the municipalities can impose a control of the quality of the works necessary to bring the waste water to the public part of the connection and of…
Everything will depend on the total amount of the deceased's financial assets. To be able to obtain the payment of the funds, you must provide the bank with an affidavit drawn up by a notary if the amount is greater than 5000 euros. On the other hand, if the amount…
No. The reduction of 100,000 euros is applicable in relations between ascendants and their children (art. 779 CGI). Article 786 of the General Tax Code specifies that, except in special cases, the relationship resulting from a simple adoption is not taken into account for the collection of transfer du-ties free…
No. The date of the sale’s reiteration before the notary is not conditional on the tenant’s departure.
No. Article L.46 of the Code of civil and military retirement pensions provides that a divorced spouse who lives in notorious cohabitation loses his right to a pension. However, for a union to be qualified as concubinage, there must be a community of life. Two people in a couple who…
No. The rates provided for in Article A.444-92 of the Commercial Code are only applicable to "the first sale in the future state of completion or completed of residential premises, apartments or individual houses", which have never been inhabited. Consequently, the occupation of the premises by the current owner no…
No. When the compensatory allowance was paid in the form of an annuity, at the time of the death of the debtor spouse, in principle it is immediately payable in the form of a lump sum. Reversion pensions are deducted from the amount of this compensatory allowance (art. 280-1 and…
No. Following the partition, each co-heir is deemed to have succeeded alone and immediately to all the effects included in his lot and cannot take ownership of the other assets of the succession (art. 883 C. civ.). Consequently, it is not possible for a co-partitioner to appropriate property attributed to…