Notaries in France and Romania: major digital advances in 2020

Updated on Thursday 10 December 2020

On December 4, 2020, 90 people participated in the annual Franco-Romanian notarial conference which was held this time and for the first time by videoconference.

After a presentation of notarial legal news in the two countries, the French notariat presented the authentic electronic power of attorney received in remote appearance. This now permanent system has been put in place thanks to the success of the experiments carried out during the state of health emergency.

The Romanian notariat presented its I-NOT program, which is currently being deployed. Romanian notaries, endowed with a qualified e-IDAS signature, will be able to carry out a very large number of requests to the administration in a dematerialized manner. They will also all be able to consult the old authentic acts, currently being digitized. This conference was an opportunity to present to Romanian notaries the communication operation carried out during the first confinement "36 20 called notaries" (in April, the notaries of France had thus handled more than 10,000 calls) as well as the operation of our real estate statistics tools.

The French and Romanian notariats have been linked by a cooperation agreement since 2007. Each year, a joint conference is organized, alternately by the High Council of for the French Notariat or by the National Union of Notaries Public of Romania.