Urban planning documents: to consult before buying?

Updated on Wednesday 15 May 2019

Established at the initiative of a public body, the purpose of urban planning documents is to specify the rules affecting the allocation and occupation of land (mostly for buildings). They are enforceable on public or private persons.


What are « urban planning documents »?

These are considered as urban planning documents:

  • the territorial coherence plan,
  • the local urban plan,
  • the municipal map,
  • risk prevention plans (natural and technological),
  • safeguard and enhancement plans,
  • the charters of regional natural parks, etc...

What do they contain?

These documents contain:

  • town planning easements (i.e., rules restricting the right to build on land),
  • reserved spaces,
  • not to mention of all other rules restricting the right to use the land.

What are they used for?

On the basis of these essential documents to prepare acts of sale and any real estate project, the notary shall usefully inform the owner or future owner about the obligations and possibilities which are related to urban planning rules.

The notary shall guide the client in his investment project.

Through the virtue of its knowledge on the legal and human environment, it can also give detailed opinions while preparing these documents, at the request of local authorities.