Mandatory property diagnosis for selling : technical diagnostic file (DDT)

Updated on Thursday 2 February 2023

The various real diagnosis are intended to improve the information of the buyer. There are many mandatory real estate diagnoses: ASBESTOS, LEAD, ELECTRICITY, GAS, TERMITES...

Real estate diagnosis: Technical diagnosis of file or DDT

The various mandatory technical real-estate diagnosis in case of a sale are grouped in one file which is known as the Technical diagnosis file (DDT). This file must be annexed with all sales agreements and any sale of a housing.

You are the seller:

Do not hesitate asking your notary about your obligations. The law requires you to provide these documents, under penalty of being responsible for the consequences of lack of information. So, you can't be exempt from this

You are the buyer:

You need to get information so that you’re not mistaken on the features of the commodity that you’re planning to buy. The diagnosis allows the buyer to get a more precise idea on his investment, qualities and defects.

It’s possible that in the future, other checks may be added to the file, with the constant aim of gathering better information and protecting the consumer.

ASBESTOS diagnosis

  • Nature of the document: State mentioning the presence or absence of materials or products containing asbestos.
  • Concerned buildings: All buildings for which the building permit was issued before July 1, 1997.
  • Document validity duration: If no trace of asbestos is detected, the period of validity is unlimited. On the other hand, if the presence of asbestos is detected, a new check must be carried out within 3 years following the submission of the diagnosis.
    Please note: if the diagnosis was carried out before 2013, it must be renewed if the property is sold, even in the absence of asbestos.
  • Penalties provided: The seller cannot be exempted from the corresponding hidden defects guarantee


  • Nature of document: Document relating to the non-collective sanitation installation.
  • Concerned buildings: All built buildings which are not connected to the public network.
  • Document validity duration: 3 years.
  • Penalties provided: The seller cannot be exempt from the corresponding hidden defects guarantee. The buyer must bring it into line, within one year after the signing of the authentic act.

LEAD diagnosis

  • Nature of the document: Report of Risk Exposure to Lead (CREP). This observation must be accompanied by an information leaflet, which sums up the effects of lead on health and the precautions that need to be taken in the presence of coatings that may contain lead..
  • Concerned buildings: Residential buildings or part(s) of buildings which are used for residential purposes and built before January 1, 1949.
  • Document validity duration: If there is lead presence above certain thresholds: 1 year for sale. Otherwise, unlimited.
  • Penalties provided: The seller cannot be exempted from the corresponding hidden defects guarantee.


  • Nature of the document: State of the indoor electrical installation.
  • Concerned buildings: Residential buildings or part(s) of the building allocated to housing, whose installation has been carried out since more than 15 years.
  • Document validity duration: 3 years maximum for the condition of the indoor installation, as for the certificate of conformity in case of renovation works.
  • Penalties provided: The seller cannot be exempted from the corresponding hidden defects guarantee.

ERP diagnosis

  • Nature of the document: State risks and pollution (natural, mining or technological hazards, seismicity, radon gas risk and polluted soils)
  • Concerned buildings: All types of buildings covered by a prefectural decree specifying the municipalities which are concerned and the list of foreseeable risks.
  • Document validity duration: Less than 6 months before the date of the sales agreement.
  • Penalties provided: Pursuing the resolution or the request to decrease the price per seller.

GAS diagnosis

  • Nature of the document: State of the indoor gas installation.
  • Concerned buildings: Residential building or part(s) of building which are allocated to housing, whose installation has been carried out since more than 15 years or whose last certificate of conformity dates back to more than 15 years.
  • Document validity duration: Maximum 3 years for the condition of the indoor installation, as for the certificate of conformity in case of renovation works.
  • Penalties provided: The seller cannot be exempt from the corresponding hidden defects guarantee. As for the latter, the buyer can obtain a reduction in the sale price or even cancel the sale.

TERMITES diagnosis

  • Nature of the document: State concerning presence of Termites.
  • Concerned buildings: All built buildings (areas delimited by prefectural decrees).
  • Document validity duration: 6 months maximum. To be redone in the event of a new municipal decree which shall declare an infested zone.
  • Penalties provided: The seller cannot be exempted from the corresponding hidden defects guarantee.

Map of the departments covered by an order of the prefect, delimiting the areas infested by termites dated January 1, 2016


  • Nature of the document: Energy performance diagnosis.
  • Concerned buildings: All buildings except those listed in article R.134-1 of the CCH.
  • Document validity duration: 10 years. To be redone in case of substantial work.

GRINDSTONE diagnosis

  • Nature of the document: Information on the risk of grindstone presence.
  • Concerned buildings: All built buildings (areas delimited by order of the prefect).
  • Document validity duration: No fixed duration.
  • Penalties provided: The presence of grindstone may, under certain conditions, make up a latent defect which is likely to engage the civil liability of the seller.

CARREZ LAW Diagnosis

  • Nature of the document: Certificate attesting the surface area of the concerned batch.
  • Concerned buildings: All co-ownership batches for residential or commercial use (except cellars, garages, parking space and generally, batches or fraction which are less than 8 m2)
  • Document validity duration: Permanent
  • Penalties provided: Nullity of sales action in case it hasn’t been mention. Request to decrease the price if surface error of more than 5 %.

Technical diagnosis of the condominium

Since 1 January 2017, the global technical diagnosis (GTD) has become compulsory for all buildings (partial or total residential buildings) over 10 years old which are subject to (For partial or total residential use) subject to an insanitary procedure and for which the administration asks the trustee to produce a DTG.

For the other condominiums, the realization (or not) of this diagnosis, which is intended to present the condition of the building and to fix any work necessary for its conservation and maintenance over the next ten years, must be submitted To one vote in general meeting. Where it exists, the GTD must be provided in the event of the sale of a condominium lot or the entire condominium.

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