Destination of buildings

Updated on Tuesday 28 November 2023

The destination of buildings and the use of buildings are traditionally distinguished.

What is the difference between the destination of buildings and the use of buildings?

Destination of the buildings, which concerns town planning law, corresponds to what a building is built for, the destination appearing among the elements which must be specified in the town planning application in relation with the property (building permit or prior declaration).

The use of buildings corresponds to a factual element which related to what a building is used for.

It corresponds to a prerogative of the Construction and Housing Code, to prevent the disappearance, in certain municipalities, of residential buildings in favor of other uses.

What constructions are impacted by the destination of the buildings?

The concept of the destination of buildings was re-designed in 2015.

There are now 5 destinations, each including several sub-destinations:

1. Agriculture and forestry

- agricultural exploitation

- forestry

2. Housing

- accommodation

- dwelling

3. Trade and service activities

- crafts and retail

- catering

- wholesale

- service activities where clients are welcomed

- hotel and tourist accommodation

- cinema

4. Equipment of collective interest and public services

- premises and offices for public administrations or similar ones

- technical and industrial premises of public administrations or similar ones

- educational, health and social work establishments

- art and concert halls

- sports equipment

- other equipment open to the public

5. Other activities in the secondary or tertiary sectors

- industry

- warehouse

- office

- congress and exhibition center

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