I want to sell my business premises. I informed my tenant and offered to buy it. He replied to me 4 months ago telling me he wanted to exercise his right of first refusal. I haven't heard from him since Am I still bound by his acceptance?

No. When the owner of premises for commercial use has notified the tenant of his intention to sell this property, this notification constitutes an offer to sell to the benefit of the tenant.

If he accepts it, he has a period of two months to complete the sale, from the date of sending his response to the lessor. This period is extended to 4 months if he uses a loan.

If at the end of these periods the sale has not been completed, the acceptance of the offer is without effect.
The owner can then sell to a third party at the same prices and conditions. If he decides to sell his property under more advantageous conditions or at a more advantageous price, he must make a new offer to his tenant (art. L.145-46-1 C. com.)

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